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Mt. Stonegate Hosts Insightful Seminar on Balancing Low-Carbon Transition: Addressing Taiwan’s Carbon Market Challenges with Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) 「低碳轉型:台灣碳市場困境到自然為本解方(NbS)」研討會:石門山邀請台日專家,共同剖析

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Writer: Yvonne TSENG, Irina LIN, William DANIEL

Social Media Team: Albert SUTANTO

Figure 1. Managing Director of Mt. Stonegate, Dr. Jules Chuang, the CEO of E-square Inc., Ken Oikawa, the Secretary General of BCSD Taiwan., Tony Mo, the Sales Manager of Bureau Veritas Certification (Taiwan) Co., Ltd., Mavis Liu, the Director New Energy & Electricity Development Center, NUK., Dr. Hsing-Lung Lien. (Left to right).

On June 20th, 2024, Mt. Stonegate hosted a seminar at the IEAT Conference Center in Taipei on Balancing Low-Carbon Transitions with the Challenges of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) in Taiwan’s Carbon Market.

Figure 2. Dr. Hsing-Lung Lien, director of the New Energy & Electricity Development Center of NUK.

Moderated by Professor Hsing-Lung Lien of the National University of Kaohsiung, the event featured experts who provided insights into the evolving carbon market and sustainable business practices. Professor Lien opened with an analysis of recent carbon market changes, highlighting the critical role of NbS in sustainability and ecological conservation.

Figure 3. Irina Lin, Assistant Project Manager of Mt. Stonegate Green Asset Ltd.

Assistant Project Manager of Mt. Stonegate, Irina Lin, the first speaker delved into the driving forces behind the recent surge in investments by renowned companies. She provided strategic responses to navigate the swiftly changing carbon market, offering attendees a clear understanding of how to adapt and thrive in this dynamic environment.

Figure 4. Tony Mo, the Secretary General of BCSD Taiwan.

Secretary General of BCSD Taiwan, Tony Mo, followed with an in-depth discussion on the development of Natural Climate Solutions (NCS). To address climate change and enhance multiple benefits. His presentation shed light on the implementation in the three categories of NCS: Protection, Management, Restoration. And shared the practice of sustainability initiatives by businesses underscoring the integration of nature into corporate strategies.

Figure 5. Ken Oikawa, the Chief Executive Officer of E-square Inc.

The symposium also featured the CEO of E-square.Inc., Ken Oikawa, who shared valuable insights from Japan’s experience in forest carbon credit development. He elaborated on Japan’s strategy towards natural restoration and E-Square’s practical experiences in developing forest carbon credits, providing attendees with actionable knowledge and strategies.

Figure 6. Mavis Liu, the Sales Manager of Bureau Veritas Certification (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Sales Manager of Bureau Veritas Certification (Taiwan) Co., Ltd., Mavis Liu, concluded the series of presentations by exploring trends in emerging voluntary sustainability certification standards. Her analysis included an examination of how business can establish sustainable supply chains from an international perspective, offering a comprehensive view of global best practices.


The symposium was marked by enthusiastic discussions and exchanges, providing attendees with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The even concluded on a high note, leaving participants equipped with valuable insights to implement sustainable and low-carbon strategies in their respective organizations.


Mt. Stonegate is committed to fostering discussions and initiatives that promote sustainable development and ecological balance. This seminar is a testament to our dedication to advancing knowledge and collaboration in the pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future. As experts in the Asian carbon market, we also develop our own carbon projects to contribute global carbon reduction efforts. To stay informed about future seminars and events from Mt. Stonegate, please visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter.

石門山綠資本有限公司與國立高雄大學於6月20日在台北IEAT會議中心共同舉辦「低碳轉型:台灣碳市場困境到自然為本解方」研討會,探討「以自然為本的解決方案(Nature-based Solutions)」及「生物多樣性(Biodiversity)」被各界大力關注及期待下,企業的碳市場新機遇及挑戰。


石門山綠資本有限公司—林于筑專案副理從「企業永續解方—NbS的實踐與挑戰」的角度作為研討會的破題,分析近年知名企業投入以NbS之原因及做法,帶領企業深入了解早期參與碳權開發的機會與挑戰,並能帶來的多重效益。除了達到自然保育以外,更能增加生物多樣化,並能達成多項SDGs指標。例如Apple與台積電攜手擴大創新基金Restore Fund,針對高品質的碳移除技術進行投資,今年為了擴大影響力邀請供應商一同投入,透過自身的積極投入加速價值鏈的碳中和目標。


此外E-square Inc. —及川謙執行長從「森林碳權實務經驗」分享日本碳權開發經驗,以及日本自然復育的策略目標,並分享森林管理活動能帶來的減碳效益。近年來,日本企業紛紛響應碳中和目標,特別是在2023年註冊森林管理項目的類別達歷年新高,尤其有50%以上的開發單位為當地政府及公營企業。而在日本政府推出GX-ETS後,更有26%的參與者更願意投資在NbS的項目中,未來更希望透過自身投資的減碳項目,來滿足活動或產品碳中和。根據目前市場的熱烈反應,可期待未來在日本的NbS碳權將會逐年升高。





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