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【課程速報】解鎖自由電力市場未來Uncover the Deregulated Power Market with Nord Pool

Updated: Apr 22, 2021





綠電自由交易未來勢在必行,透過全球電力貿易最先進的北歐電力交易所─Nord Pool,以兩次線上課程經驗分享,深入淺出的為大家解說電力交易中的實際操作。由成功的實績案例,帶您輕鬆了解電力自由市場的運作模式。期待您也能在未來電力市場的發展中找到適合您/所屬機構所能扮演的的角色!


|課程時間:2021/05/06、05/20(四)14:00-17:30 (課程連結將在正式開始前兩日以郵件通知)




*本課程由中華民國企業永續發展協會及石門山綠資本有限公司主辦,Nordpool 承辦。

Deregulated power exchange is happening in 4 years:

  • If you are a developer, how much do you know about market changes?

  • If you are a retailer, have you grasped the trend of electricity prices?

  • If you are a large electricity consumer, have you taken into consideration the electricity demand and cost?

Free trading of green electricity is imperative in the future. Through the Nord Pool Academy, owned by the most advanced Nordic Power Exchange in the world, we share the experience of practical operation and successful case studies to an understanding of the operation model in a free market.

|Course time: 2021/05/06, 05/20 (Thursday) 14:00-17:30 CST

(The course link will be notified by email two days before the beginning)

|Registration method: Please click on the form to register

|Course fee: NT$7,500

(After the registration deadline, a unified notification will be provided, and the payment wwinformation will be notified by email.)

|Registration deadline: 2021/04/30 (Friday) at 5pm CST.

*This course is sponsored by BCSD Taiwan and Mt.Stonegate Green Asset Management Ltd. and delivered by Nordpool.

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