Writer: Irina Lin
Social Media Team: George K. KIONGSON
(L-R) Madeleine Mowinckel (Ecohz), Ivan Debay (Origo), and Jules Chuang (Mt Stonegate)
In Parallel session 4C of RMM2024 in Amsterdam, Dr. Jules Chuang explored the pivotal topic of "How energy certificates are used and why." He highlighted three key drivers motivating companies to procure Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Consumer Incentives, Supply Chain, and Competition.
Key takeaways:
· In today's business landscape, there's an increasing recognition of the importance of sustainable management. Unlike government mandates, it's the intrinsic needs of business operations, coupled with peer competition and supply chain pressures that drive companies to prioritize sustainable practices.
· Leading brand enterprises aren't just reducing their carbon emissions within their operations; leading efforts to involve their entire supply chains in the journey toward sustainability. To achieve Scope 2 emissions reduction, companies are turning to EACs. These certificates offer a comprehensive tracking system that allows companies to demonstrate their use of renewable energy effectively. Not only do EACs facilitate procurement, but they also enable swift implementation, making both procurement and utilization easier.
· While the fundamentals of sustainability may seem familiar to many, it’s crucial to address the root causes to ensure that our primary objectives are achieved. Let's continue to drive the conversation forward, leveraging energy certificates as a powerful tool in our collective pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future.
(Top-L-R) : Ken Oikawa (E-Square Inc.), Jules Chuang (Mt Stonegate), Irina Lin (Mt Stonegate);
(Bottom L-R) : Jules Chuang (Mt Stonegate), Madeleine Mowinckel (Ecohz), and Ivan Debay (Origo)
Mt. Stonegate is delighted to have met everyone at the event and enjoyed a productive discussion. Feel free to connect with us for more conversations. Let's collaborate on our journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.